
Saturday, March 19, 2016

So What Is 'Kisuy'???

Kisuy is a funny name, rightHere's what it's all about:

Early on in my planning, I decided I wanted to use my tiny house build to help me think creatively regarding the way I sourced materials for the project. It's so easy (and expensive!) to go out and buy everything needed--or even a finished product for that matter. However, I wondered what might happen if I spent the time (since I had it) to collect, salvage, and make something myself versus only going to supply stores...

That said, I know my limits. I'm not a welder and wasn't about to assemble the trailer nor was I the least bit interested in salvaging or scavenging for used materials for the structure of my project. To me, structural items need to be new, and I was happy to put in the money to purchase those. Alternatively, I couldn't find a reason not to use re-purposed materials on the interior--provided they were of good quality. The best features of these items are their stories and charm, especially when they come from family and friends. This is where "Kisuy," which means "covering" in Hebrew, comes in. 

As I collected, salvaged, and found alternatives for what I needed, I began to notice something inspiring--the project began to take on the quality of a family quilt! I had a piece of family history in a window that was salvaged from the house my father and his siblings grew up in. The kitchen hardware and lighting came from my tia's 1800's adobe homestead in New Mexico. Additionally, siding for the interior came from what had been beautiful alternative dwelling that belonged to one of my former teachers. 

So just like a quilt, the concept of my tiny house has taken the shape of a covering or "Kisuy" assembled from the collected stories of family and friends. No doubt, there will be plenty of my own story in there too of course! I can't wait to share more on our progress as my father and I continue our adventures in assembling a tiny house!

And finally, a big thank you to everyone for all of your love and support in making this happen!

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